by Jeremy | Dec 9, 2009 | News
My new video demo reel is done and has been posted on the HD Video page and over at Vimeo as well. Hope you like it!
by Jeremy | Oct 21, 2009 | News
I finally threw caution to the wind and bought a bunch of iPhone photo apps the other day and thought others might find a review useful. The thing about the iPhone camera is that it is a low-end camera and, sometimes, not trying too hard actually makes it a hell of a...
by Jeremy | Oct 5, 2009 | Featured, News
Last week I was hired to put together a fun gleeful musical video for local web development shop Clockwork to debut during the MIMA Summit. It was a short timeframe, done all in one day (including choreography rehearsals) and editing done the following day. I love...
by Jeremy | Aug 25, 2009 | News
Hitchcock – mobile storyboarding for your iPhone has been released on the App Store and it may well be the best $20 you’ll spend for your next creative production! Just imagine being able to take a snapshot of a character, location, scene, etc, and then...
by Jeremy | Jul 22, 2009 | News
We just wrapped up an eight-day location shoot for an apparel company and let me just say that it kicked our butts pretty hard with tons of sun and wind and a final day of record low high-temps for July in Minnesota! Almost felt like it might snow. Our models were...
by Jeremy | May 30, 2009 | News
A while back I had a spot of trouble with my Elgato EyeTV Hybrid (turns your Mac into a digital TV/TiVO) and after running around replacing everything BUT that device (including antenna, cabling, connectors, waiting for exceptionally cold winter weather to break, etc,...