TWEAK Demo Reel

TWEAK Demo Reel

My new video demo reel is done and has been posted on the HD Video page and over at Vimeo as well. Hope you like it!
Best iPhone Photo Apps

Best iPhone Photo Apps

I finally threw caution to the wind and bought a bunch of iPhone photo apps the other day and thought others might find a review useful. The thing about the iPhone camera is that it is a low-end camera and, sometimes, not trying too hard actually makes it a hell of a...
Interactive, The Musical

Interactive, The Musical

Last week I was hired to put together a fun gleeful musical video for local web development shop Clockwork to debut during the MIMA Summit. It was a short timeframe, done all in one day (including choreography rehearsals) and editing done the following day. I love...
Hitchcock Storyboarding

Hitchcock Storyboarding

Hitchcock – mobile storyboarding for your iPhone has been released on the App Store and it may well be the best $20 you’ll spend for your next creative production! Just imagine being able to take a snapshot of a character, location, scene, etc, and then...

8 Day Location Shoot Workflow

We just wrapped up an eight-day location shoot for an apparel company and let me just say that it kicked our butts pretty hard with tons of sun and wind and a final day of record low high-temps for July in Minnesota! Almost felt like it might snow. Our models were...
Turbo.264 HD

Turbo.264 HD

A while back I had a spot of trouble with my Elgato EyeTV Hybrid (turns your Mac into a digital TV/TiVO) and after running around replacing everything BUT that device (including antenna, cabling, connectors, waiting for exceptionally cold winter weather to break, etc,...