Add T2i Support to Canon Final Cut Plugin

Add T2i Support to Canon Final Cut Plugin

Thanks to this great (and easy) solution from Nathan Beaman, you can add T2i Support to the New Canon EOS Final Cut Plugin. Supposedly this plugin is up to 3x faster than using Compressor to import your files for editing. NOTE: You MUST retain the folder structure of...
Camera Firmware Updates

Camera Firmware Updates

Canon has finally released the long-awaited firmware update for the much-loved 5d Mark II HDSLR camera, giving it the required video frame rates of 24 and 25 frames per second and better audio control. 5d shooters the world over are breathing a sigh of relief as their...
NeatVideo Noise Reduction

NeatVideo Noise Reduction

As a filmmaker, either documentary and narrative, there are certain times when you are forced for some reason to shoot with available light and in those situations there are most certainly times when that light is too low for your desired shots. This typically leads...
Canon’s new T2i

Canon’s new T2i

Canon just announced their new 18-megapixel T2i (also known as the 550D) digital SLR with 1920×1080 24p HD video recording for only $799 (body only, $899 with kit lens). Filmmakers and video geeks are pretty excited. With all the desired video modes (24p, 25p,...
OWLE bubo Camera Rig

OWLE bubo Camera Rig

The holidays came a little bit early for me this year due to a shipping address mistake (it should’ve been a surprise from my geek-girl wife) and when I saw the box label’s return address I was indeed very surprised! Thankfully she really knows me and...
HD Home Theater on the Cheap

HD Home Theater on the Cheap

While I have no notions of this video going “viral,” it sure is crazy to see how many people and sites around the world have linked up to my IgniteMPLS presentation on how to build an HD home theater without spending a lot of money. Take a peek yourself at...