Local filmmaking podcast

For over a year I’ve had this idea to do a local/regional podcast about the filmmaking ecosystem and scene here in the Midwest (the north). Finally I just decided to create the first episode and put it out in the world. You can check it a out over at Film45 and...

6 Sundance How-To Tips

Six days in Park City at Sundance 2013. Six days of watching movies, attending meetings, riding buses, walking on ice, eating very randomly, drinking at parties, avoiding celebrity-seekers, snowboarding, and a little sleeping are finally done and while the journey is...
The State of Crowdfunding Panel

The State of Crowdfunding Panel

Join me to discuss the state of crowdfunding your movie projects at the 2012 Flyway Film Festival this weekend, on Saturday, October 20th. I’ll be joined by Slamdance co-founder Paul Rachman and consulting filmmaker Lucas McNelly. Armed with the data from our...
Sony FS100 Review

Sony FS100 Review

The Super-35mm sensor Sony FS100 video camera has been out on the market for several weeks now and yet there still seems to be confusion and a lack of good hands-on material. Probably because those that have the camera are having so much fun shooting with it that they...

FCPX and XDCAM Workflow

Did you jump right in and download Final Cut Pro X today? Did you get your mind readjusted to the new editing paradigm? Did you freak out when you couldn’t get your XDCAM footage into FCPX? And then have another little freak out about what you had done when you...