by Jeremy | Sep 13, 2009 | Tutorials
Apple finally published their updated manuals in PDF form for the apps in the Final Cut Studio suite (Final Cut Pro, Color, Motion, etc) and here are the links in one collection for you to download: Final Cut Pro 7 Manual Motion 4 Manual Color 1.5 Manual DVD Studio...
by Jeremy | Aug 25, 2009 | News
Hitchcock – mobile storyboarding for your iPhone has been released on the App Store and it may well be the best $20 you’ll spend for your next creative production! Just imagine being able to take a snapshot of a character, location, scene, etc, and then...
by Jeremy | Jul 22, 2009 | News
We just wrapped up an eight-day location shoot for an apparel company and let me just say that it kicked our butts pretty hard with tons of sun and wind and a final day of record low high-temps for July in Minnesota! Almost felt like it might snow. Our models were...
by Jeremy | May 30, 2009 | News
A while back I had a spot of trouble with my Elgato EyeTV Hybrid (turns your Mac into a digital TV/TiVO) and after running around replacing everything BUT that device (including antenna, cabling, connectors, waiting for exceptionally cold winter weather to break, etc,...
by Jeremy | May 22, 2009 | News
My pal Craig sent me a notice that there is soon to be a new iPhone App from onOne called the “DSLR Remote” and is a wireless cable release for your Canon camera. Here’s hoping it works with all functions and is portable from camera to camera without...